10th Annual Maldives Finance Forum to Focus on Fintech and AI

The 10th edition of the annual Maldives Finance Forum will be held on 29th May at Kurumba Maldives. This year’s forum is dedicated to exploring the intersection of fintech and AI and will discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by these technologies in the financial sector.

The forum will provide a platform for financial leaders and stakeholders to exchange information, share experiences, and discuss opportunities to develop financial services with the help of fintech and AI. Professionals working in the fields of fintech and AI in Maldives will also have the opportunity to showcase their innovations.

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Organized by the Pension Office, the Finance Forum is the first and oldest forum dedicated to the financial sector in Maldives. The forum is designed to include presentations, panel discussions, experience-sharing sessions, and demonstrations of relevant services and resources on specific topics related to the changes taking place in Maldives’s financial sector and the international financial environment.

As the largest institutional investor in Maldives, the Pension Office is committed to participating in the development of the financial sector and creating a green environment for the most appropriate management of the pension fund. The Finance Forum is an important event in achieving these goals and strengthening the financial sector in Maldives.

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