3 New Maldivian Aircrafts Expected to Arrive Next Month

Island Aviation has expressed hope that the three new Maldivian aircraft purchased this year will arrive in the Maldives next month.

According to a company official, the new vessels added to the national airline’s fleet are now expected to arrive in the Maldives during this time period.

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The new Maldivian vessels will be structured by the world’s most popular ATR company.

A photo of a Maldivian ATR-72 at Toulouse-Blenjek Airport in France was circulated on social media yesterday. The photo was released on a page called Eurospot.

Two ATR 72 series aircraft and an ATR-42 series are among the new vessels. The vessels will cost a total of USD 60 million (MVR 925 million), according to Island Aviation.

ATR 72 aircraft seats 74 passengers, while ATR 42 aircraft seats 50.

Mohamed Mihad, Managing Director of Island Aviation, stated that Maldivian will purchase three more ATR aircraft early next year. He stated that all vessels used by the airline on domestic flights will be replaced within the next two years.

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