5 Reasons Why CTI Maldives’ Sexual Harassment Awareness Training is a Must to Attend

Sexual Harassment can occur in any environment, including the workplace. When someone verbally or physically attacks someone at work because of their race, color, faith, gender, ethnicity, age, or disability, this is known as workplace harassment. 

Harassment is a real serious issue that consistently occurs every day and policies are slowly being enacted to protect the rights of people against it. However, some people are not fully aware of how to defend themselves from these actions. Participating in trainings will give an opportunity to enrich their knowledge and create awareness on what is entailed as sexual harassment and the legal acts in place against it.

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CTI Maldives is conducting a Sexual Harassment Awareness training for all interested individuals on 27th March 2021, Saturday. Registrations are now open.

Here are five reasons why CTI Maldives’ Sexual Harassment Awareness Training is a must attend session.

Strengthen professional relationships      

First and foremost, it will reinforce professional relations. When the employees are aware of the circumstances that could endanger their coworkers, they will be more conscious of their behavior. 

The harassment prevention training’s increased awareness and empathy will help to improve professional relationships among your employees. Having the correct information would help you.

Recognizing sexual harassment

Recognizing the various types of wrongdoing is an important step in inspiring workers to act when they see or experience it. One of the most successful and efficient ways to raise awareness of the various forms of inappropriate conduct – from the obvious to the subtle – and minimize doubt about what is and isn’t permissible (and lawful) behavior is through training. Which encourages to not stand such bustle and immediately report.

Encourage Reporting

Many women and men who are sexually assaulted do not report it to their employers for fear of being disciplined or branded as complainers. Sexual harassment training can help managers, supervisors, and others learn how to build an environment where employees can report incidents without fear of retaliation or losing their jobs. 

It also serves as an alarm system. It also gives an alarm step by step if you are being in abusive situation. 

Increase awareness on what is and isn’t acceptable

The training will explain grey areas and illustrate how unwanted behavior that goes unnoticed can become abuse or prejudice by using practical examples and other applicable material. Moreover, it will encourage the participants to take the right approach when it comes to handling such cases.

Registration is open for all individuals

The training is not only focused on individuals currently working. The program is open for all who are interested to join hands to bring a stop to this issue. 

To register and save a seat, email to marketing@ctimaldives.com 

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