A free parking zone constructed for staff working at Velana International Airport

Transport Authority of Maldives has initiated a system that allows free parking for the staff working at Velana International Airport and fulfilled one of the first 100 day pledges on the 10th of December. The opening was conducted by Transport minister Honorable Aishath Nahula. 

Mr. Solih from MACL expressed that this is a very critical area of the airport and that there will be regulations such as registering the motorcycles which will then later be sent to the authorities to be implemented. 

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Ms. Nahula stated that due to this parking, all 700 staff working at the airport will have space to park their vehicles cost-free. This will make it more convenient for those who work shift duty in the airport. She added that 1000 more spots will be opened up from the North side in the coming future. 

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