REOLLO Enterprises introduces a range of disinfectant and sanitization products to support the businesses and service providers to implement safety measures while preparing for the new normal as COVID19 lockdown eases and the Maldives prepares to open its borders.
The company has partnered with Suren Cooke Agencies, the leading disinfection and pest control company in Sri Lanka and Tec blender Labs to bring the STERA lineup of products from Automatic Disinfection Chambers, Electrostatic Disinfectors, Sanitization and disinfection solutions. These products are ideal for resorts, airports, guesthouses, showrooms, office buildings, worksites, and any service providing facility.
“We want to provide disinfection equipment and sanitization solutions that will be practical and something that can be offered at a more affordable price to the market. We are the exclusive distributor for these products and will be providing an end-to-end solution from the installation of the equipment to providing the required disinfectant solutions. Our products carry a one-year warranty and are being widely used”, stated Mohamed Imdad, Product Manager.
Automated Disinfection Chamber – this is ideal for entrances to ensure all people accessing the premises are sanitized and disinfected in less than 6 seconds. This is low maintenance, fast and efficient way of disinfecting by a mist spray through high-pressure nozzles activated via an automated system to detect when a person enters the chamber.
Sanitization Deck – a mobile deck that can be placed at any premise, which instantly sanitizes hands and feet using an optimal sanitization method. This is a fully automated, user friendly and the deck is a portable unit.
Electrostatic Disinfecting Fogger – proven to be a 100% effective method in disinfecting various types of germs and viruses, including COVID19. This equipment with German technology is an ultra-low volume (ULV) fogging machine that can be used to effectively kill airborne viruses and diseases. The Airfog U260 is a portable AC powered equipment that is ideal for use by maintenance teams to keep the property disinfected and safe. This is a must carry equipment for all resorts, airports, guesthouses, buildings, and disinfection service providers.
In addition to the above equipment, Reollo will be supplying Sterafume Disinfectant, which is effective in destroying all types of microorganisms. This is a biodegradable hydrogen peroxide-based solution without any odor and ideal for all facilities and for use in disinfection chambers, sanitizing decks, and disinfecting fog machines. The Stera Anti Germ is a special solution for keeping all types of floor services clean and Stera Hand Sanitizer is ideal for industrial and commercial use.