Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture has enabled the engagement of companies interested in buying skipjack tuna.
According to the Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture, this decision is aimed at improving the fisheries industry and to provide opportunities to other companies for purchasing skipjack tuna. This act will contribute to the sales of skipjack tuna from all the fishermen and will assist in manufacturing value-added products from it. Fisheries Ministry also states that this will increase the profit generated from the fishes caught in the Maldives.
The ministry has announced that the permits for companies interested in purchasing tuna, cones with certain conditions. The ministry further stated that guidelines on how to prepare the proposal will be available from the Ministry reception at the official working hours.
According to the guideline, the purchase of tuna will be permitted to companies that propose to export tuna by the collective pricing policy. The permitted companies must establish a show-based investment. The guideline states that the investment shall be established within 3 years from the date of the permission issue.
Other guidelines include, the utilization of collector boats in the fish sale, setting a floor price and provision of statistics.
According to the ministry, companies who invest in the purchase of tuna business, shall not use their vessels for further fishing.