Vice President Faisal Naseem met with the High Commissioner of India to the Maldives, Sunjay Sudhir yesterday afternoon. The Vice President conveyed felicitations on India’s 74th Independence Day, which occurred on 15th August, and deliberated with the High Commissioner on strengthening the bilateral ties between India and the Maldives.
The Vice President noted that India has always been at the forefront of helping the Maldives when we are confronted with major challenges. He highlighted the assistance that India has provided us during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, such as facilitating Maldivian patients’ travel to India for medical care under the Aasanda healthcare scheme. The two discussed ongoing projects pertaining to various fields between India and the Maldives. The High Commissioner and Vice President also discussed possible areas for future bilateral cooperation.
Vice President Faisal Naseem and High Commissioner Sunjay Sudhir concluded the meeting by remarking on the longstanding strong relationship between the Maldives and India, and expressing their mutual hope that these good ties will always remain intact.