Bar2000, the trending Slovenian coffee brand in Maldives has launched a photo contest on Instagram, on the occasion of International Coffee Day celebrated on the first of October each year.
The purpose of the contest is to celebrate the coffee culture of the local community, which has been an integral part of the Maldivian lifestyle, especially among the youths.
Anyone can participate in the contest by simply following the steps below:
1. Follow @bar2000mv on Instagram
2. Post a picture related to their daily coffee routine, with the hashtags: #bar2000photocontest, #bar2000mv and #internationalcoffeeday
3. Tag 2 friends in the comments
The contest will run from 1st October 2020 to 0000hrs on 7th October 2020. The top 5 images with the most number of likes will be selected and judged based on originality and creativity to choose a winner, which will be announced on 10th October 2020.
The winner will receive a CIAO Pod Coffee Machine with 2 Bar2000 Espresso Cups and 50 Bar2000 Coffee Pods – an ideal coffee setup for homes and small workplaces. Updates of the contest will be shared via @bar2000mv on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
For more information please contact:
HSC Maldives Pvt. Ltd
Phone: +960 3010686, +960 7787655