Vice President Faisal Naseem on Sunday afternoon officially opened a new Fishermen’s Park built in Hulhumalé. Speaking at the ceremony held to open the park, the Vice President reiterated the administration’s commitment to further developing the fisheries sector and addressing the concerns of fishermen.
The Vice President, in his speech, went on to note that the fishing industry endured the economic hardships of the Covid-19 pandemic. He also highlighted the numerous contributions of fishermen to the economy and urged stakeholders in every industry to strive towards economic development.
HDC said that the purpose of developing the Fishermen’s Park was to create a space where people, especially fishermen and crews of fishing boats using the Kenneli Jetty, can fulfill their essential needs. The park offers essential services and rest and recreational facilities to fishermen and boat crews. A tuck shop is also situated in the premise which sells food, drinks amongst other essentials.