Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) has successfully completed the major events of the Binaaru campaign. The campaign was launched by Minister of Defense Uz. Mariya Ahmed Didi on 4th March 2023 aimed to promote safety, security, and health in the VIA community.
The Binaaru campaign’s first event was the safety run on 4th March 2023. The run was intended to promote a healthy lifestyle among staff and stakeholders of the airport community.
The staff health screening event which was held from 5th to 7th March, had more than 500 staff screened. During the event, BMI, blood sugar, risk of heart disease, eye, and dental check-ups were provided. The goal was to encourage the staff to live healthy life and to create awareness of health and fitness.
The MACL Safety, Security, and Compliance departments also held major 18 training sessions and awareness events as part of the campaign. These events included basic safety training for airline handling agents and airport representatives, a session on safety and security as core values, a session on security awareness on identifying suspicious behaviour, SOP and system awareness training, and a training session for airlines to follow airside safety standards and airline dispatch. These events were conducted in partnership with Manta airlines, Villa Air, and Maldives National defence force. More than 300 staff and stakeholders participated in these events.
The Binaaru campaign also incorporated a safety and security awareness quiz with the intention of increasing awareness on safety and security procedures in the aviation industry. Aimed for the airport community, over 600 staff actively participated in the quiz.
Furthermore, an airport familiarization tour was conducted for 60 students from the Center for Higher Secondary Education. During the tour, the students were provided with information about airport operations and were given the opportunity to visit essential offices and the airport terminal.
The fire prevention team from airport emergency services conducted a session to train MACL’s corporate office’s designated fire wardens. The staff was trained to evacuate the building during a fire emergency.
The safety, security, and compliance department along with Parley, the Airport Police, and MNDF had a successful vector control and cleaning event on 9th March 2023. Altogether 9 tons of waste were collected from 5 different airport zones.
The Binaaru campaign was a huge success in terms of promoting airport safety and staff well-being. MACL is committed to promoting safety, security, and health in the VIA community and will continue to work towards achieving this goal.