The Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure has commissioned FJS Consulting Private Limited to conduct a comprehensive socio-economic study on the Raajje Transport Link (RTL) in Zone 1, comprising Ha, Hdh, and Sh Atoll, from July to August 2023.
The primary aim of this study is to critically assess the socio-economic repercussions of the RTL ferry services. The study will focus not only on local communities and businesses but will also analyse its effects on vulnerable groups and other sectors.
FJS will be conducting surveys, Focus Group Discussions and Interviews to understand the Impact of the direct and indirect impact of RTL. The information gathered from these efforts will provide crucial insights into the operational and societal implications of the RTL.
The Ministry has made a public call for support, urging individuals, businesses, and relevant stakeholders to actively participate and cooperate with FJS Consulting in their survey.