Dhiraagu Celebrates Employees at the Company’s 28th Annual Award Function 2016

Dhiraagu last night held its 28th Annual Award Function 2016 at Dharubaaruge. The Award function is held annually to celebrate and acknowledge the achievements and contributions staff have made to the company. The Awards also recognize staff for their long years of service as well as those staff who’ve gone beyond the call of duty in discharging their responsibilities.

Dhiraagu is a company that attached great importance and value to its staff and gives special focus to ensuring employee satisfaction through a variety of means including attractive remuneration and benefits, opportunities, training and welfare.  The Annual Award function in this regard is part of a larger effort undertaken by the company to convey its thanks and recognition of the talent, commitment, dedication and service of its staff.
Award night (2)

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During last night’s function, 49 staff were recognized for their exceptional service. The prestigious Chairperson’s Award went to the company’s Assistant Engineer Rigging Power and Technical Infrastructure Mr Zulham Abdul Hakeem. Other categories awarded were recognition of employees for Long service, outstanding Leaders Awards, Special Merit Award and Special Recognition Team awards.

As the leading telecoms and digital services in te Maldives, Dhiraagu consistently ranks amongst the most desired places to work in the Maldives. Attractive remuneration, training opportunities and other benefits has enabled the company to attract, retain and develop some of the best talents in the country.  With a staff base comprising 99% Maldivians, many of whom have received additional training on the job, Dhiraagu continues to excel and push the boundaries in developing talent that will allow the company to help customers make the most of the digital future.

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