Parliament Approves Maldives’ Membership in the OACPS

The Parliament has approved the signing of the Samoa Agreement, paving the way for the Maldives to become a member of the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). This decision follows President Dr Mohamed Muizzu’s submission of the agreement for parliamentary approval on June 24th, upon the recommendation of his cabinet.

An additional parliamentary sitting was scheduled on Sunday to deliberate on the report prepared by the Foreign Relations Committee regarding the President’s submission. The Chairperson of the Foreign Relations Committee, Hassan Zareer, presented the Committee’s report, which endorsed the signing of the agreement, highlighting the subsequent benefits for the Maldives.

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The Parliament’s approval was unanimous, with all 82 MPs in attendance voting in favour of the agreement. The Samoa Agreement serves as the primary framework for relations between the European Union (EU) and African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries. It addresses six key priority areas over the next two decades: human rights, democracy, and governance; peace and security; human and social development; inclusive and sustainable economic growth and development; environmental sustainability and climate change; and migration and mobility.

By becoming a full member of OACPS, the Maldives will be able to access various opportunities provided by the EU across multiple sectors more readily. The President’s Office has indicated that these opportunities will also lead to better prices for Maldivian fisheries products in the international market.

The Maldives’ membership in the OACPS promises significant advantages for the country. Economically, it opens up enhanced market access and trade opportunities, particularly benefiting the fisheries sector by securing better prices and improved market conditions for Maldivian exports. Additionally, it provides access to various funding mechanisms and investment opportunities facilitated by the EU and OACPS, which can support sustainable development projects, spurring economic growth and infrastructure development.

Diplomatically, joining the OACPS strengthens the Maldives’ international relations, offering a platform to engage with member countries across Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific. This expanded network can lead to greater political cooperation and mutual support in international forums. Moreover, it enhances the Maldives’ global presence and influence, allowing the country to participate in critical discussions and decision-making processes that shape international policies and agreements.

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