Revenue from Foreign Labourer Quota Fees Doubles Amid Stricter Enforcement

The Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) has announced a significant rise in revenue from foreign labourer quota fees, which have doubled this year due to stricter enforcement measures.

MIRA’s latest report shows that by August 2024, the government collected USD 15 million in quota fees, a remarkable 123% increase from USD 7 million during the same period last year. In August alone, fees surged by 33.7%, reaching USD 2.3 million compared to USD 1.8 million in August 2023.

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The fees are collected through the expatriate management system (Xpat). Current regulations stipulate that individuals and companies with outstanding fees and penalties over USD 6,500 must settle their debts.

The Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology has indicated that over 90% of the 50,000 employers of foreign workers—more than 45,000 individuals—do not regularly comply with their payment obligations. The intensified enforcement measures are expected to ensure that employers meet their financial responsibilities related to foreign labour.

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