A program was conducted in M. Dhiggaru by the Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources, and Agriculture from 19th to 21st of September. The program was aimed to motivate youth in the fishing industry.
The program was focused on informing the youth about marketing and businesses of fish products and how to get benefit from fish products.
According to the Ministry, 9 participants from M. Dhiggaru and 2 participants from M. Kolhufushi took part in the program.

Meemu Atoll has a huge number of people who do businesses on fish products. The program included a theory class and a practical class. Theory class included teaching on how to start a small business, value addition, label and packaging, how to maintain the quality of the products, marketing, and how to keep an account of the business.
The information was given by the Senior Research Officer of the Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources, and Agriculture, Ahmed Rashid.