ARC AID Reaches Over 1800 Vulnerable Children Across Maldives, Supported by BML, Dhiraagu and UNICEF

Advocating the Rights of Children (ARC) has reached over 1800 vulnerable children from 58 islands through ARC AID, a special programme facilitating the provision of basic food supplies to families affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since the COVID- 19 pandemic started over a year ago, the initiation of lock-down measures and the subsequent socio- economic repercussions and lifestyle changes it has brought about has had far-reaching impacts on children’s lives. While many families are experiencing difficulties due to pay cuts and layoffs, those severely affected in Male’ City have also had to relocate to islands, with children being amongst the most affected. To mitigate some of the everyday struggles faced by vulnerable families due to the pandemic, ARC AID provides food supplies to vulnerable families with children referred by government authorities, local councils and other NGOs. The food packages include rice, flour, lentils, milk powder, tuna cans, eggs, assorted cans of vegetables and beans.

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ARC believes that no child should be deprived of their fundamental right to adequate food and nutrition especially during this pandemic. In this regard ARC has reached children in need of food assistance from all the Atolls of Maldives, details of which are as follows:

  • 26 children and their families from 5 islands in HA. Atoll 
  • 133 children and their families from 4 islands in HDh. Atoll
  • 98 children and their families from 4 islands in Sh. Atoll 
  • 109 children and their families from 5 islands in N. Atoll
  • 3 children and their families from 1 island in R. Atoll 
  • 6 children and their family from 1 island in B. Atoll
  • 19 children and their families from 2 islands in Lh. Atoll
  • 103 children and their families from 2 islands in K. Atoll
  • 63 children and their families from 2 islands in AA. Atoll
  • 37 children and their families from 4 islands in V. Atoll
  • 37 children and their families from 2 islands in M. Atoll
  • 151 children and their families from 4 islands in F. Atoll
  • 6 children and their families from 1 island in Dh. Atoll
  • 5 children and their families from 1 island in Th. Atoll 
  •   161 children and their families from 5 islands in L. Atoll
  • 165 children and their families from 2 islands in GA. Atoll 88 children and their families from 3 islands in GDh. Atoll
  • 138 children and their families from 1 island in Fuvamulah City 
  • 207 children and their families from 6 islands in Addu City
  • 290 children and their families from 3 islands in Male’ City

ARC wishes to express sincere appreciation to partners – UNICEF, Bank of Maldives, Dhiraagu and individual donors for their generous contributions to ARC AID at this critical time and reaffirms commitment to protect and promote the rights of children throughout the country.

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