ATP calls upon government to incentivize local Online Travel Agencies & B2B travel marketplaces to enhance the technological backbone of Maldives tourism industry

Maldives Association of Tourism Professionals (ATP) calls upon the Government of Maldives to assist & incentivize local Online Travel Agencies & B2B travel marketplaces to enhance the technological backbone of Maldives tourism industry.

“Government needs to incentivize local OTAs & B2B travel marketplaces for them to be able to compete international parties. There is a need for automation of travel trade industry with latest technology to revolutionize the tourism ecosystem in order to maintain global competitiveness. This is very important for destination marketing & for creating a more robust destination image for Maldives.” Said Dr. Sunny Umar, President of ATP.

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According to ATP, local OTAs & B2B travel marketplaces will also play a key role in destination marketing & increase the efficiency of travel distribution among relevant partners, in turn helping to increase their sales, occupancy and revenue potential.

ATP also highlights that, marketing & distribution automation by going digital will ensure cost efficiency, mobile transactions and timely bookings by industry resellers across the globe. 

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