Audit to be conducted into new seaplane terminal issue

Parliament Public Accounts Committee has decided on Monday to order an audit into the new seaplane terminal issue.

The decision came into place following the allegations that operations of the new seaplane terminal being developed at Velana International Airport would be leased out solely to local seaplane operator, Trans Maldivian Airways (TMA), at a loss to the state.

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The complaint concerning seaplane base was put forward by Dhaandhoo MP Yauqoob Abdulla. The Public Accounts Committee reviewed the case and has requested the Auditor General’s Office to conduct an audit regarding the complaint.

According to other local seaplane operators, giving the new seaplane terminal to TMA will have a negative impact on the competition.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has also faced inquiries by the media during a news conference held last month, concerning the matter. In the conference, the President stated that they no decision has been made to give the terminal to a specific party.

Moreover, MACL’s board members are yet to reveal any information regarding their stance on the issue.

The current terminal is managed privately by seaplane operators with plots leased out by MACL separately to each for USD 9 (MVR 138) per square feet.

MACL revealed last week that 73% of the new seaplane base has been completed. This is a USD 40 million worth project and is expected to complete by the end of this year.

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