Bank of Maldives Announces Recipients of Scholarship Fund 2023

Bank of Maldives has announced this year’s recipients of the BML Scholarship Fund:

  • Aminath Alyaa Shavin
  • Mohamed Saajiu Ismail
  • Mohamed Aik Ali

The Scholarship Fund is a fully funded merit-based international scholarship through which recipients can select any undergraduate program in a banking and finance-related area from the top 200 universities in the world.

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The program targets academically meritorious students who contribute to developing the country’s banking and finance sector. It offers scholars the option of selecting from a wide range of fields in the banking sector, from Banking and Finance to Financial Technology, Risk management or Financial reporting and analytics.

Bank of Maldives CEO and Managing Director Karl Stumke commented, “Many congratulations to these three outstanding students on being selected as winners of this year’s scholarship. They have exceptional academic achievements and leadership potential to become the changemakers of tomorrow. For the Bank, supporting the academic growth of young adults with a dedication to their communities is a great way to give back and invest in the country’s future.”

The three BML Scholarship Fund 2022 recipients are currently studying in the UK and Australia.  

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