Bank of Maldives has tonight held its annual event to celebrate the loyalty of its long serving employees. In an intimate ceremony held at the Champa Central Hotel, staff who have worked in the Bank for 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 years were given special awards by CEO Andrew Healy.
A total of 37 employees received awards, with Ms Fathimath Rasheeda, Head of Internal Audit receiving a very special commendation for having served the Bank for some 35 years. Other notable awardees included Ms Aminath Naseer, Deputy Senior Officer, Ms Aminath Hassan, Internal Audit Manager and Mr Hussain Rasheed, Cluster Branch Manager – all of whom have served the Bank for 30 years.

Addressing the recipients of the awards, Andrew stated “The Bank is very grateful for you unwavering loyalty and commitment over so many years. You are the people who have generated our culture, our performance, our success. You are the people everyone looks up to. You are the people who have set the standard for others to follow. Well done and thank you so much.”
Bank of Maldives held its first long service awards ceremony in 2015 when it was announced that an annual event would be held to recognize and honor those employees who reach the defined long service milestones. Earlier this year, the Bank received the prestigious “Asia’s Best Employer Brand Award” for the second consecutive year in recognition of its progressive human resource policies and practices.