BML launches ‘Scan to Pay & Pay By Link’ promotion with MVR200,000 prize money

The Bank of Maldives (BML) has launched ‘Scan to Pay & Pay By Link’ promotion with prize money of MVR200,000 in total.

The promotion commenced on 18 November 2019 and will last until 17 January 2020. The customers using BML’s MobilePay service along with POS merchants are subject to enter into the promotion.

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Customers have to scan the QR codes and use web links to make payments to enter the promotion.

According to BML three winners from MobilePay customers and three winners from POS merchant users will be selected by the end of the promotion.

The first prize winner will receive a monetary gift of MVR30,000 and second place will receive MVR20,000 and for third place a prize of MVR10,000.

In addition, five weekly winners will be selected from each customer base and gifted MVR1,000.

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