BML Open for Card Collection Services from 30th May to 10th June

Bank of Maldives has announced that it will continue to provide card collection services at the Customer Service Centre from 30th May 2021. The Centre will be open from Sunday – Thursday, from 10am to 2pm.

According to BML, to ensure the safety of customers and staff, a limited number of customers will be served through online tokens via Queuebee. Only customers with tokens and valid police permits will be allowed. 

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When visiting BML, customers are required to:  

  • Wear a mask
  • Observe strict social distancing, using the distancing markers placed on the floor
  • Bring own pen
  • Use hand sanitizers placed at the centre

As an added precautionary measure to minimize the risk of exposure to Covid-19, elderly customers and people with disabilities will not be required to visit the bank to collect cards. Customers can contact the Bank to arrange delivery.

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