Bank of Maldives has announced the enhancement of a SEN classroom in K. Gaafaru to support the special needs children in the community.
This initiative is part of its ‘Aharenge Bank Community Fund’, a nationwide campaign to empower individuals to contribute to society by conducting sustainable community projects.

The classroom is designed to help children with special needs with the opportunity to learn through exploration, investigation and experiences which would positively impact their learning and development. With the beginning of the new academic year, the classroom is now in use after major refurbishment and with the supply of all required equipment.
“This special education classroom is well equipped with all materials and equipment needed to support the learning and development of children. This project gives great comfort to the parents and children, especially with the beginning of the new academic year. We receive great satisfaction from furthering the progress of projects across the country and financially supporting them which aids community development across the Maldives. The bank’s aim is to support the development of projects through its Aharenge Bank Community Fund initiative and assisting to successfully complete projects in islands”, commented BML’s Manager of Public Relations Mohamed Saeed.

Commenting on the project, Aishath Sana, the Executive Director of Aboobakuru Ali Foundation stated “The Aboobakuru Ali Foundation always aims to support educational needs. Gaafaru School previously had a relatively small SEN classroom. This classroom is built after a lot of research on how SEN classroom are operated in Maldives and also in other countries.”
“Prior to the development of this classroom the special education needs children were taught by using materials prepared by the class teacher but with the opening of the classroom occupational therapy and play therapy will be provided. The development of this classroom was a huge expense and this was the main reason why we approached to apply for the community fund as well. We are excited to complete the project with the support of BML and the foundation.”

Under the Aharenge Bank Community Fund, BML will select and allocate MVR 50,000 to five projects in the areas of education, environment, sports and community development during each quarter of the fiscal year. During the year 2019, BML has contributed MVR 1 million to support projects conducted in 20 islands.