Budget for Aasandha This Year Already Exhausted!

The state budget allocated for Aasandha, the national health insurance scheme, for this year has been already exhausted.

The government allocated MVR 730 million for the Aasandha scheme in this year’s budget. According to the Ministry of Finance, MVR 795 million has been spent so far this year on Aasandha, as of 9th June. The government spent MVR 658 million for Aasandha during the same period last year.

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In 2021, the budget allocated for the Aasandha scheme was exhausted before the year ended as well. By the end of 2021, a total of MVR 1.5 billion was spent on Aasandha.

Under the Aasandha scheme, a significant amount is spent covering private clinic fees and medical treatment abroad. Relevant government authorities are currently in talks to amend Aasandha and subsidy policies so that they are issued to those most in need.

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