Cabinet to stamp down on child abuse with stricter measures and multi-agency collaboration

The Cabinet has held discussions on stamping down on child abuse, enforcing more stringent measures to prevent further cases, and improving multi-agency co-operation on combating the crime. The discussions were held at the Cabinet meeting at the President’s Office.

Deliberations at the meeting were focussed on ways to expedite the prosecution of child abuse suspects and ensure justice is served for the victims of such crimes. The Cabinet also assessed existing laws and regulations, seeking out discrepancies to prevent the repetition of such crimes and ensure the protection of victims.

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Addressing the meeting, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih reaffirmed the Administration’s zero-tolerance stance on child abuse and echoed its commitment of protecting every child from all forms of abuse. He further charged the relevant Ministers to assess the situation of all at-risk children and take immediate measures to ensure their protection.

President Solih earlier denounced the recent case of sexual assault on a two-year-old girl by her father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. At an emergency meeting with relevant authorities held at Mulee’aage on Saturday night, the President expressed shock over the news of the inhumane crime and condemned the crime in the strongest of terms.

He also charged relevant authorities of taking swift action in investigating the heinous crime and bringing the perpetrators to justice.

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