Civil Servants to Receive Attendance Allowance for Official Holidays

Photo: Corporate Maldives

The state’s pay framework has been modified to provide civil servants with an attendance allowance for work on official holidays, per an amendment released by the Finance Ministry on Sunday. 

This update extends the eligibility for an attendance allowance to civil servants working on official holidays and Fridays in addition to regular working days.

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The amendment specifies that the attendance allowance on official holidays and Fridays will be granted only when half of the total working hours as defined in the Employment Act are met, equating to at least half of the regular working hours. This is a deviation from the previous rule, which offered an attendance allowance exclusively for work on official working days, excluding holidays and Fridays.

The revised state’s pay framework now explicitly defines attendance as ‘signing in’ for employees, whether physically present at the office or working remotely.

Furthermore, the amendment extends the eligibility for an attendance allowance to official travel days to islands and foreign destinations. 

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