CMDA to Conduct Training Program for Directors of Local Authority Companies

The Capital Market Development Authority (CMDA) in collaboration with Ministry of Economic Development has introduced a directors training program for directors/aspiring directors for Local Authority Companies. This new initiative was introduced following the introduction of the new regulation “Regulation on Establishing Local Authority Companies” by the Ministry of Economic Development.

The objective of the program is to educate directors on the best practices and standards in company operations and conduct of business. The program also aims at building leadership qualities and providing a platform to share knowledge, skills and experience gained by those aspiring directorship of Local Authority Companies.

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The program will cover important modules including legal and regulatory framework of Local Authority Companies, fit and proper requirements of directors and code of conduct, corporate governance code of CMDA, tax law and regulations, financial statements and auditing and many other important present-day business topics.

The first program of the series is scheduled to be conducted from 6th to 8th June 2022. The resource persons for this program are renowned trainers from the Ministry of Finance, Auditor General’s Office, Maldives Inland Revenue Authority, Anti-Corruption Commission and the Institute of Directors Training & Secretaries (ICDS) of CMDA.

Submission of registration applications to participate in the program has been opened.

For information about the training program, please visit our website

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