COVID-19 crisis in Maldives is likely to improve by end of Ramadan – Dr. Hassan Hameed

The on-going COVID-19 crisis in Maldives is likely to improve by the end Ramadan, MNU Chancellor Dr. Hassan Hameed said during a virtual meeting of Parliament Committee on development and national heritage.

Dr. Hassan stressed on not losing hope amid the pandemic, and stated that despite people’s assumption that the crisis will prolong, the state of other parts of world says otherwise.

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He further stated New Zealand has had the biggest success against the virus, as the country was on lockdown for 49 days. And as per this scenario, he has predicted that Maldives situation will improve by June 3.

He also predicted that in the worst-case scenario, situation in Maldives will improve by July 1, as Italy, the country which had the longest time under lockdown, spent 79 days under lockdown.

The chancellor added that there is hope that the on-going COVID-19 crisis in Maldives could improve by the end of Ramadan, under the best-case scenario.

He also noted that in Maldives asymptomatic cases are at 54%, hence the majority of the population is not affected by the virus, even if they are infected.

In addition to that, he also emphasized on the panic over mortality rate of the virus. At the beginning of the outbreak it was stated that the virus has a mortality rate of 3% – 4%, however according to new researches done by German scientist show that the mortality rate is 0.24%.

MNU Chancellor said stressed on not losing hope amid the pandemic, but rather to prepare for schools and universities to open shortly after Ramadan.

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