Fees of yachts and safaris have been cut down by the related organizations. This decision was taken in a special meeting held to discuss the problem of reduction in the number of yachts and safaris docked in HA. Uligamu.
This meeting was for one day and 45 members from 15 associations participated in this event. Organizations such as Customs authority, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Tourism participated in this meeting. The main purpose was to have an in-depth discussion about why the number of yachts docked in HA. Uligamu has been falling over the years.
Deputy Commissioner Abdulla Shareef stated that in this meeting it was identified that one of the causes for the problem is higher fees taken from safaris and yachts and all the organizations have agreed to it. Thus they have decided to reduce tracking device fees. He also highlighted that they have been considering to completely omit this fee.
He further added that every organization takes some fees for the services they have been providing and the amount fee incurred is not important but the quality of services is, thus organizations such as food and drug authority, Ministry of Tourism, and Ministry of Transport has decided to reduce their fee prices.
He stated that they will be making a report of the conference and will be sharing it with the economic committee of parliament.
Around MVR 1000 to MVR 5000 is taken by the health ministry to ensure that vessels are following the health regulations. And customs charge MVR 1000 for inward and outward clearance stamp. Many more charges are paid by the vessels yearly.
Reduction in charges is expected to increase the number of yachts and safaris docked in the Maldives.