Daily News Update For 9th May

Here are the daily news updates in Maldives for 9th May.

Police Arrests a man under domestic violence charges

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A social media post by accusing her father of abusing his mother and sister, with the fathers Id card picture went viral, police found the accused man and has arrested him under the charges of domestic violence.

In the post, the son of the accused man has revealed that they did report to the police twice, but each time withdrew the complaint as he said he has repented and assured that he won’t repeat the offense.

Amidst the lockdown cases of domestic violence has seen a significant rise with 26 reports of domestic violence cases in March month only.

Police Service to Investigate Cases of Permitted Shops being Closed.

Maldives Police Service has stated they have received complaints of shops being closed despite receiving permits.

Maldives Police Service has stated they have received complaints of shops being closed despite receiving permits.

Police have assured that they will take necessary actions against those who repeat such offenses.

Police Services Investigating a case of PPE wearing thief.

A video showing CCTV footage of an alleged thief wearing PPE and entering a house went viral last night.

Police revealed that the case of involved the theft of a mobile phone from one of the houses under monitoring.

However, the owner of the house has since then disputed the claims that the individual in the video was a thief. The owner said the person in PPE had visited an apartment placed under monitoring by the HPA in the house and that the actual theft had occurred a day before the date the CCTV footage was recorded.

Police have not made any arrests regarding the case yet.

High Court Orders MoniCon for eight extremists.

Home Minster Imran Abdulla has said on Thursday the high court has issued a monitor and control order for 8 extremists upon the request of the Ministry.

Minister Imran has assured that even in the time COVID-19 crisis, Police are working in ensuring the safety of everyone in the community.  

The Minister said while the country is battling against Covid-19 global pandemic, there are those who look to take advantage of the situation and act to destabilize the country.

Police have previously revealed that extremists are behind many recent cases of fire incidents in Maldives.  

Education Minister Assures that Online Classes will Resume by the end of this Month.

Minster Dr. Aishath has assured that online classes will resume this month.

Education Minister Dr. Aishath Ali has raised concerns over students, as since 12th March educational institutes have been closed and after the declaration of lockdown tele classes has come to a halt as well.

Minister has also noted the issue of high internet charges and low connectivity in Maldives, which has caused a hindrance in the continuation of online classes.

Construction works resume in Male’ with set of guidelines and regulations.

HPA has allowed to resume construction works in capital city Male’ under certain rules and regulations set by the authority.

Male’ City Council has stated they have given up to 11 permits so far.

In addition to that, the city council has conditioned to maintain social distancing between workers and to use gloves and heavy-duty face masks while working.

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