Django Girls Male’, an event supported by Dhiraagu and organized by Women in Tech Maldives has been successfully concluded.

The main aim of this programme is to encourage women to join technology fields by providing inspiring first experiences in the world of programming. Participants who had no prior knowledge in coding were taught how to develop websites using Python and Django Framework. The Django Girls Male’ event is part of the global series of events that has been run in over 500 cities in 93 countries. 12 Django trained coaches from Maldives joined the programme in Male’ to guide the participants throughout the workshop. 28 women successfully completed the programme in Male’ and were awarded certificates at the closing ceremony of the event.
Aishath Adnan, Co-Founder Women in Tech Maldives stated, “Currently women are underrepresented in technology fields. We are very happy that the number of women applied for this programme doubled in 4 days. This shows women have interested and they are ready. You just need to give them opportunities and resources, policymakers need to concentrate on making it easier for women to work in the tech industry, one of the key things that we look for is work from home.”. Women in Tech Maldives expressed their gratitude for the overwhelming response received within such a short period.
At the closing ceremony of the workshop, Chief Guest, Aminath Shauna, Secretary of Policy at President’s Office stated, “We see a lot of men at the decision-making levels although the reality is that substantial work is being carried out by women. We are working strongly to change these ratios and empower women. I strongly believe these young women have a future to be a part of the digitization efforts of the government.”
“Empowerment of women and particularly encouraging more women to join technology fields is an area which we hope to focus more in our CSR Programme. It was with this objective that we supported the Girls to Code and Django Girls programmes to inspire career choices and develop skills to take on tomorrow” stated Bishaara Hameed, Manager Corporate Social Responsibility.
Dhiraagu and Women in Tech Maldives had also initiated the Girls to Code programme and the first Girls to Code series was completed in Fuvahmulah last year.