Dhiraagu Celebrates 35 Years of Telecommunication Excellence

Dhiraagu, the Maldives’ first telecommunications company, celebrates its anniversary, marking 35 years of excellence and advancement.

Since its establishment on 16th May 1988, Dhiraagu has been at the forefront of technological innovation, reshaping the Maldivian telecommunications landscape.

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From its inception, Dhiraagu was pivotal in introducing internet services to the Maldives, transforming the ways in which Maldivians communicated, conducted business, and enjoyed leisure. The debut of the GSM mobile phone service further modernised personal communication in the nation.

In the years that followed, the company launched 3G and, subsequently, 4G services, ensuring Maldivians had access to advanced mobile technologies. Dhiraagu’s coverage extends to every populated island, including resorts and major industrial hubs, indicating a broad reach of mobile connectivity.

Always pushing technological boundaries, Dhiraagu was among the first in South Asia to venture into 5G services.

Their strategic partnership with the SEA-ME-WE 6 cable system consortium is another notable achievement, set to bring faster and more reliable internet connectivity to the islands.

Throughout its journey, Dhiraagu has received accolades for its contributions, notably being awarded the ‘Maldives’ Fastest Mobile Network’ by Ookla for two consecutive years.

During the ’50 Years of Tourism’ celebrations, Dhiraagu was honoured with a prestigious accolade in recognition of its significant contributions. This award acknowledged Dhiraagu’s pivotal role in innovating and growing the Maldivian tourism industry, stemming from its development of the nation’s telecommunication framework. Moreover, they have reportedly facilitated internet services to an impressive 90% of national households.

Today, as Dhiraagu commemorates this significant juncture, the company’s transformative impact and enduring contributions to Maldivian telecommunications over the past 35 years bear witness to its dedication to enriching the quality of connectivity within the country.

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