Dhiraagu has announced the return of its highly anticipated Eid Show, set to take place on Monday, 17 June 2024. This year’s event promises to be a spectacular celebration, featuring a line-up of talented local musicians and culminating in the much-awaited ‘Win a Tesla’ lucky draw.
The Dhiraagu Eid Show, held in celebration of Eid-al-Adha, will showcase performances by popular local acts including Raveo, Skyrock, Equatic Vibe, Traphic Jam, DJ Ali, and Symbolic Records. This event marks the return of the Eid Show after a hiatus, aiming to bring the festive spirit to life with a blend of music and community engagement.
During the event, Dhiraagu will announce the winner of its ‘Win a Tesla’ promotion. This promotion has garnered significant public interest and enthusiasm, adding an extra layer of excitement to the evening’s festivities.
“We are excited to bring back Dhiraagu Eid Show to the public after a hiatus. We are hopeful that the show will provide an unforgettable experience to all viewers, bringing in the Eid spirit with much-loved local artists as well as revealing the winner of our ‘Win a Tesla’ promotion. We hope to see you all there with your friends and family,” stated Jaishan Hameed, Dhiraagu’s Manager of Public Relations.
The Dhiraagu Eid Show will take place at Hulhumale’ Central Park, starting from 8:00 PM. The Housing Development Corporation (HDC) is the hosting partner for this event, supporting the initiative to create a memorable evening for the community.