Dhiraagu introduced Dhiraagu pay NFC debit card to Ghiyasuddin International School students

Dhiraagu replaces the NFC stickers for DhiraaguPay with Debit Cards for DhiraaguPay services provided to students at Ghiyaasuddin International School.

DhiraaguPay service was introduced to the students during January 2018. Debit cards are personalized including the student photo, index and name. Students can make payments by tapping the card on POS terminal at GIS canteen. This card can also be used in any dhiraagu pay touch point. This is the very first time such a card has been issued to students in Maldives and the card will be linked to the parents wallets.

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Dhiraagu has also introduced a special promotion for all students who use DhiraaguPay to purchase their meals at the school canteen – a 50 percent discount is applicable all throughout the week.

Like the NFC sticker, the debit card is also linked to the parents’ e-wallet. Parents can monitor the purchases made by the students. Dhiraagu has received immense support from the parents as well as the students as DhiraaguPay allows them to purchase their interval without having to take physical monies with them to school.

Dhiraagu is planning on extending this service to other schools as well.

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