Dhiraagu has officially launched the Samsung Galaxy S24, S24 Plus and S24 Ultra in the Maldives.
The official launch event took place at Dhiraagu Head Office where customers who had pre-ordered their phones were able to collect them.
The latest Samsung Galaxy phones were unveiled at the event by the Managing Director of Samsung Sri Lanka and Maldives, SangHwa Song together with Director of Brand and Marketing Communications of Dhiraagu, Mohamed Mirshan Hassan.
Speaking at the launch event, Managing Director of Samsung Sri Lanka and Maldives, SangHwa Song remarked on the continued partnership between Samsung and Dhiraagu since 2015, stating that Samsung is excited to bring the latest smartphone line-up to the growing customer base in the country.
Director of Brand and Marketing Communications at Dhiraagu, Mohamed Mirshan Hassan stated that the continued collaboration with Samsung is an important part of Dhiraagu’s consistent efforts to provide customers with the best smart technology and latest innovations and enable them to get ahead in the digital future.
With the new Galaxy S24 series, Samsung has launched the ‘Galaxy AI’ where cutting-edge technology merges seamlessly with sleek design, ushering in a new era of sophistication and promising unparalleled user experiences for customers.
Last month, Dhiraagu opened for pre-orders of these phones with a special offer. Customers who pre-ordered any of the three latest Samsung models will be eligible for 5GB FREE bonus data for 12 months along with the purchase of the phones.
Additionally, these customers will also receive a FREE Galaxy Watch 6 Classic with Galaxy S24 Plus and S24 Ultra and FREE Galaxy Watch 6 with Galaxy S24.