Ease of Doing Business: Maldives down by 6 ranks

In a research conducted by the World Bank, it has stated that it is much harder to do business activities in the Maldives.

The World Bank releases its Ease of Doing Business Index report once every year. And in this year’s report the Maldives has gone down by 6 ranks onto number 135 from last year’s 129.

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Ease of Doing Business Index judges the business sector of the country in 10 different categories. Except for one of these, the Maldives has gone down ranks.

Category Current Rank  Ranks Gained or Lost  
Starting a business 65 -4
Dealing with construction permits 62 -2
Getting electricity 145 -1
Registering property 171 -1
Getting credit 133 -1
Protecting investors 123 -5
Paying taxes 134 -5
Trading across borders 147 no change
Enforcing contracts 105 -2
Resolving insolvency 135 -1


Here are the rankings for the past couple of years

Year Rank
2010 69
2011 71
2012 87
2013 85
2014 79
2015 95
2016 129
2017 135


The top of the rank has always been dominated by Singapore. However this year the country came in second, losing the title to New Zealand.

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