Economic Ministry and EU Host 2nd Edition of EU-Maldives Business Roundtable

Ministry of Economic Development in collaboration with the European Union co-hosted the second edition of the EU – Maldives Business Roundtable on Thursday at Hotel Jen, Male’ Maldives.

The session is part of the Maldivian Government’s efforts to showcase investment opportunities in the country and explore avenues for partnership and cooperation on the economic front between the EU and Maldives.

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The EU – Maldives Business Roundtable was attended by the Minister of Economic Development, Fayyaz Ismail, Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Aminath Shauna, Minister of Tourism, Dr. Abdulla Mausoom and the Minister of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture, Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan from the Maldivian side, and by Ambassador Denis Chaibi from Delegation from the European Union along with Ambassadors from Germany, Austia, Italy, Romania and the Netherlands. In addition to the cabinet Ministers and foreign Ambassadors, the roundtable session was also attended by select members from European companies and businesses from the Maldives.

During the opening remarks, Ambassador Denis Chaibi noted the attractiveness of the Maldives as an investment destination and urged European businesses present to make the best use of the opportunity to learn and understand about the options the Maldives has to offer.

Minister Fayyaz, in his remarks, noted that pro-market policies are firmly embedded in the country’s investment framework, and that the Government’s wish was to have a greater role for the private sector in economic development. He also urged the EU to consider options for granting duty concessions for Maldivian fish exports.

Presentations were delivered on the country’s economic vision and opportunities open for investment, on the EU Green Deal, and ongoing and future support for green recovery by the EU.

Networking and interactive engagement for the businesses and policymakers present at the session were facilitated through a panel discussion, where an opportunity was opened for EU businesses and Maldivian businesses present to inquire and provide suggestions on efforts to strengthen business relations between the two sides.

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