Economic Ministry Announces Efforts to Improve Maldives’ Placement in Ease of Doing Business Index

Photo by Sun Media Group

Ministry of Economic Development has announced plans to promote Maldives to the top 50 of the World Bank’s annual Ease of Doing Business Index.

The Minister of Economic Development, Mr. Mohamed Saeed, is spearheading the efforts with the assistance of Maldivian Law firms and other relevant agencies and bodies.

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“This year, the government wants to improve the country’s ranking in World Bank’s doing business ranking. Out target is for Maldives is to be placed in the top 50, globally,”, Minister Saeed Stated.

Minister Saeed also indicated to news media that there were several action plans and development projects in planning for the year to bring the efforts to fruition.

Maldives ranked at the 135th place in the latest annual publication of the Ease of Doing Business Index in October 2016, which was six ranks lower than the placement the previous year.

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