Economic Ministry brings changes to closing hours of cafes, restaurants and petrol sheds

Photo: Sun

Effective from 1st April onwards, cafes and restaurants will be closing at 1am and petrol sheds will remain open until 12am.

Before this change was mandated, cafes and restaurants closed at 12am and petrol sheds were open only until 10pm.

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Deputy Minister of Economic Development Adam Thaufeeg stated that the changes were implemented due to the changes in cargo clearance hours. There will be no changes in shop closing hours as for now.

“Businesses can remain open to replace their stock, but any other business activity is prohibited after 10pm”, Thaufeeg explained.

The changes implemented by Maldives Transport Authority states that cargo can only be carried between the hours of 6pm to 6am. Cooking gas can be delivered between the hours of 08:30am to 11am and 6pm to 6am.


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