Entrepreneurs Symposium to be held on February 2019

From Guesthouses Symposium 2019

A conference under the name “Business Convention” will be held in order to identify the challenges faced by those in the industry, amend the necessary regulations and to obtain ideas and suggestions from entrepreneurs. The symposium will be held under the initiative of Ministry of Economic Development on the 26th and 27th of February.

In a statement made by the ministry, they classified some of the areas in which suggestions will be taken.

  • Expanding guesthouse businesses in a National level
  • Laborers and Economy
  • Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Agricultural sector
  • Information Communication Technology sector
  • Female Entrepreneurs
  • Maldivian tax system
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Submitted proposals should include current rules related to their specific category, related laws, challenges with relevant solutions. The best proposals will be chosen and will be given an opportunity to be presented. The ministry will also refer to them when forming necessary rules and regulations.

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