Fenaka Corporation has signed an agreement with F. Magoodhoo council to obtain the solar power produced on the island, on Tuesday.
The 30kWp PV system was donated to the people of F. Magoodhoo by the Bicocca University of Milan. The system is installed on the roof of the local island council building and feeds the power to the island grid. The system was commissioned in April 2014.
This was conducted under the Renewable Energy Resource Mapping and Geospatial Planning – Maldives 2014 -2018: REM is the local contractor for the World Bank’s project “Renewable Energy Resource Mapping and Geospatial Planning – Maldives”.
The project focuses on solar resource mapping and measurement services as part of technical assistance in the renewable energy development implemented by the World Bank in the Maldives. It was undertaken in close coordination with the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MEE).