First ever International Boat & Dive Show to be held at Hulhumale’ City

Maldives Getaways, a local PR and marketing firm announced that they are to host the first ever International Boat & Dive Show from 21-22 March, 2018 at Hulhumale’ City Lagoon.

In addition to hosting the event in the satellite town of Hulhumale’, specially built floating platforms are to be built to create a temporary marina for the event. Over 100 vessels are to be on showcase at the event with the events dates falling directly between The Dubai International Boat Show (DIBS) and The Singapore Yacht Show giving boats of all sizes a scenic view of the Maldives.

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The Boat & Dive Show is also to host a professional divers conference and a marine industry professional’s forum. The first ever Diver Summit would see diving professionals and potential stakeholders come together to discuss the future of diving tourism in the Maldives. The Marine Industry professional’s forum would bring marine specialists from all backgrounds to discuss pressing issues as well as future of boating and establishing Maldives as a fully-fledged boating destination.

“Places like Singapore and Dubai already host their own dive & boat shows. With the current growth in the tourism industry, there’s a need for the Maldives to have a Dive & Boat show of its own. We believe that the Boat & Dive Show would create immense networking opportunities.” Abdulla Nashaath, a Director at the firm, told local media.

Known internationally as one of the world’s best scuba diving destinations, the Maldives has an abundance of dive sites with one thrilling dive opportunity after another. The islands of the Maldives have consistently warm waters with outstanding visibility throughout the year, and consist of exhilarating dive sites such as vibrant “thilas”, exciting channels, coral-filled overhangs and fascinating wrecks.

The Boat & Dive Show compliments the Divemv magazine and would help promote the Maldives tourism industry as a boating and diving destination. The firm is currently gearing up to hold the first edition of Travel Trade Maldives (TTM), the first International Travel Trade Show in the Maldives, in July..

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