First Lady Fazna Ahmed has morning launched a book titled “Dhuraalaa Thahyaaruve Huras Elhun” published by Journey – a local non-governmental organisation (NGO) working to prevent substance abuse. The publication was unveiled at a meeting held at Mulee’aage.
“Dhuraalaa Thahyaaruve Huras Elhun” is based on the information published in the “Intervention eBook: What to do if your child is drinking or using drugs” by the Partnership for Drug-free Kids, and papers published by the Science of Addiction and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration of the National Institute of Drug Abuse.
The book provides information and guidance to parents and guardians in protecting their children from falling victim to substance abuse.
Journey is an NGO working towards preventing substance abuse, intervention, and provide aftercare services to recovering drug users.