First Shipment of Rock Boulders Delivered to Adh. Hangnaameedhoo Harbor Project Site: MTCC

Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has announced that the first shipment of rock boulders required for the breakwater construction of Adh. Hangnaameedhoo Harbor have been delivered to the project site on 31st May 2021.

The Adh. Hangnaameedhoo Harbour project consists of; dredging and excavation operations of 6,363.1cbm; construction of a 204m breakwater; a 266m quay wall; a 160m revetment; installation of 1,330sqm of paved area and installation of streetlights.

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MTCC is the longest running public company in the Maldives. Formed in 1980, the company has been a leading civil and marine contractor in the country for over four decades.

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