Foreign Minister Engages in Key Trade and Visa Discussions in Brussels

The Government of Maldives has engaged in discussions with the European Union (EU) regarding the reduction of duty on fish exports from Maldives. These talks took place during Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer’s official visit to Brussels, which is part of a broader effort to strengthen relations between Maldives and the EU.

During his visit to Belgium, where the EU’s key offices are located, Foreign Minister Zameer met with Nicola Procaccini, a Member of the European Parliament. A significant point of discussion was the potential reduction of duty on fish exported from Maldives to the EU, a move that could greatly benefit the Maldivian fishing industry.

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Furthermore, the meeting explored the possibility of facilitating EU visas for Maldivians, which could enhance mobility and cooperation. The discussions were not limited to trade and visa issues but also delved into broader areas of potential collaboration between Maldives and the EU.

In his series of meetings in Belgium, Foreign Minister Zameer also engaged with the Managing Director of the European External Action Service. These discussions are part of ongoing efforts to enhance diplomatic and economic ties between Maldives and the European Union.

The Foreign Minister’s agenda in Belgium includes additional meetings aimed at further fortifying the relationship between Maldives and the EU. These engagements signify the Maldivian government’s commitment to expanding its international relationships and exploring new avenues for cooperation.

Additionally, Foreign Minister Zameer is scheduled to attend the 3rd EU Indo-Pacific Ministerial Forum, an event that highlights the strategic importance of the Indo-Pacific region and offers a platform for discussing key regional issues.

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