Foreign Minister Shahid Participates in the Munich Leader’s Meeting Held in Tokyo

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdulla Shahid, participated in the Munich Leader’s Meeting held in Tokyo, Japan from 15-16 May 2023.

Over the course of two days, Minister Shahid delivered remarks and contributed towards discussions on various topics, including the Indo-Pacific security architecture, non-traditional security threats, multilateralism and partnerships, and security in the digital age. He also met and engaged with Ministers, CEOs, journalists, and security practitioners on a wide range of issues.

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The Munich Leader’s Meeting held in Tokyo was held against the background of the G7 Hiroshima Summit, scheduled to be held later this month under the Japanese Presidency of the G7. It gave leaders in the Indo-Pacific an opportunity to connect with their counterparts in the West to discuss how best to ensure regional and global stability. The debates and discussions were held under Chatham House rule with a limited group of high-level decision-makers and senior experts from around the world.

Minister Shahid was accompanied by the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Khaleel, the Ambassador of the Republic of Maldives to Japan, Hassan Sobir, Joint Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mariyam Midhfa Naeem, Director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hussain Jahhaz, First Secretary at the Embassy of Maldives to Japan, Shafraz Rasheed and Assistant Director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Shujau.

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