Four New Resorts Set to Boost Tourist Bed Capacity

Four new resorts are set to open by the end of the year, increasing the tourist bed capacity to 1,064. 

The country has opened five resorts this year, with four more to open by year-end.

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The new resorts include one in Emboodhoo Lagoon in Male’ Atoll, one in B. Bodufinolhu, and two in Lh. Maabinhura and Lh. Dhigufinolhu, respectively.

So far, the resorts opened in 2023 are NOOE Maldives Kunaavashi, Avani+ Fares Maldives Resort, Amari Raaya Maldives, Barceló Whale Lagoon Maldives, and Joy Island Maldives.

There are 172 operational resorts in the Maldives, providing 42,159 tourist beds. 1.4 million tourists have visited the Maldives so far this year.

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