Free Advertising for MATATO Members in Maldives Travel Agents Guide and Maldives Finder

Maldives Association of Travel Agents & Tour Operators (MATATO), reveals an exclusive publication for travel agents of Maldives, the Maldives Travel Agents Guide, that is expected to be launched in March 2018. Maldives Travel Agents guide will serve as a platform to market and promote local travel agents and their businesses through, advertorials and
business listings. The association is offering a free listing for all our local travel agency members in the first edition of the Guide. This offer is for all members that pay a yearly subscription for 2018 before 15th of February 2018.
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Maldives Travel Agents Guide is expected to have one of the largest circulations among any tourism publications in the Maldives. With over 50,000 books to be printed with distribution at all MATATO organized travel trade fairs and MMPRC organized fairs as well.

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The association is also stopping featuring any third-party publications that aren’t published by MATATO. The association is working with all government stakeholders to make this year a record year in Maldivian tourism adopting market and industry-specific strategies with tactical programs that will be announced soon.

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Maldives Association of Travel Agents and Tour Operators, MATATO is one of the leading Travel NGOs in the Maldives with a more than 90 members representing Travel Agents, Resorts, Guest-houses, liveaboards and hotels. Maldives Travel Agents Guide adds to its existing portfolio of publications that includes the Annual travel guide, Maldives Finder.

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