Freelancers Express Their Concerns Over “Insufficient Fund” Comment Made by Economic Minister

Economic Minister Fayyaz Ismail has stated that the ministry is looking into ways to help freelancers during this difficult time, however, the state does not have sufficient funds to provide financial assistance to all freelancers in the country. This comment made by the Minister garnered a lot of attention from freelancers. They have expressed their concerns regarding the remarks about the insufficient funds in social media.

Freelancers have expressed their dissatisfaction with the comment saying that the government should provide assistance to everyone and that the government is responsible to provide effective solutions for both business and freelancers for economic growth during this difficult time.

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Economic Ministry and SDFC have included freelancers in their loan scheme to provide financial support to SMEs amid the pandemic. Under this loan, freelancers will get maximum MVR 18,000 loans.

Minister Fayyaz has said that the authorities are looking for ways to diversity the relief package. He has also stated that the ministry is discussing with the Parliament to introduce a strong stimulus package to ensure employment and sustainability of business during this time.

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