The government collected MVR 1.27 billion as income from tax on January 2019 as per statistics released by the Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA), the organization in charge of tax related issues in Maldives.
The statistics show that the government’s income for February 2019 is 0.8% more than the income for February 2018. It is also 3.4% more than the estimated earnings for February 2019. The reason for this increase is due to increase in BPT and Green Tax earnings as per MIRA.
Looking in to the statistics, the greatest proportion of the earnings were from GST which equals to 794.3 million rufiyaa. Occupying the second largest proportion is tax collected from businesses or BPT, totaling a 134.3 million rufiyaa. Green Tax collected in February 2019 equals to 79.7 milliom rufiyaa.